French race cars of that era were light blue, I think yellow was either Belgium or Spain. Sometime the car would be painted for the nation of the manufacurer with a band of another color representing the driver's country. I've never heard of any such national colors in cycling.
Jerry Moos
Houston, TX
> Several decades ago, the racers on the automobile racing circuit raced
cars that were painted country colors. I know that Germany was silver,
British was Green (British Racing Green), Italy was red (which many refer to
as Ferrari red, but is actually Italian racing red and was the same color
used by Alfa Romeo and others). I think the U.S. used a white with blue
racing stripes, but I don't recall the other colors, like French and such.
Even today, German cars in silver, British cars in BRG, Italian in red seem
to be more prevalent than other choices. Did the country teams from early
cycling races also have country colors? Lou Deeter, Orlando FL