[CR]Important: for CR list members

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus:SLX)

From: <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 08:55:37 EST
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Important: for CR list members

First, I want to congratulate all members for maintaining our high standard for civility and courteous exchanges here on the CR list! We have done really well for quite some time and I sincerely thank all of you.

Let me address a few small details to enhance our communal experience on our list:

The CR list now approaches 600 membership and I see a recent heavy increase in message traffic. That si good, but in the interest of minimizing band width usage (is that the correct way to say that?) I would like to remind you to please stay on topic and not to treat this list as a chat room. Make each posting count, adding information or asking real questions. Remember, "Attaboys", jokes and impromptu opinions without additional info are really no t desirable...

Also please check in your e-mail setup that you are not sending your messages in html.

Those of you receiving the Digest version, be careful to edit out extraneous copy so your mail is as compact as possible.

Finally, please edit your subject line to accurately reflect the content so we know whether to read your message..

As you may know, I send out the CR list "game rules" in the form of a greeting message to newly signed up members. Too frequently, folks say they didn't see this. Please read or at least scan through this message (copied at bottom of this message) to be sure you understand the guidelines under which the CR operates!

So, in closing, thanks a million everyone. It is great to have over 500 friends on the CR!! I include here a comment recently received for the CR classified ad section but which reflects on the nature of our CR gang:

"1/15/2002. Thank you for listing my bike. It has been sold to a properly appreciative buyer. I've always assumed bike people were the most trustworthy people with whom to do business over the net. Vintage bike people (or I should say 'people who value vintage bikes') are the creme de la creme. Thanks, T.D."


------------------ Hello vintage lightweight bike fan. Welcome to the Classic Rendezvous mailing list!

The idea for this list is to exchange information and experiences relating to classic lightweight bikes. Here are a few rules you must abide by to remain eligible to stay on this list:

- No anonymity please.. If you cannot be yourself and sign posts with your real name and home town, please do not join.

- For Sale (or Wanted) postings are OK for items fitting our topic timeline, but must always include a price up front and should be posted only once.

- Please do not post picture files (jpegs, gifs, etc.) directly to the list. Instead refer list members to that pic on a web site by posting the URL (Use one of many free photo hosting services out there!)

- As a way to avoid extraneous mail and over flowing mail boxes, messages should be carefully considered before sending, concise in content and always on topic.

- In order to reduce CR mail received by list members, please do not send "Attaboy" or "Me too" or joke messages.

- Please do not "cross post" i.e., send the same message to many lists. If we take the time to read your message, it should be very on topic and unique to our list.

- Courteous exchanges only. The list is not intended as a debate forum; in fact, it is not intended to be a "chat list" at all but one in which every post contributes to the communal knowledge base. Passionate disagreements may not be indulged in on-list.

- Members disregarding these guidelines will be summarily removed from the list.

- Optional upon joining, but highly encouraged, is for new members to provide a little profile of themselves: what bikes they have or wished they have, other experiences relative to these bikes and a bit about who they are... Check out the CR archives at http://www.phred.org/mailman/private/classicrendezvous for info on the rest of us!

- We have focussed on the approximate period from the beginning of the Twentieth Century, up to the early 1980s. Certain classically produced modern bikes are considered "on topic" here, but those welded, injection molded, or glued modern wonders belong in some other mail list, not this one! Ditto for mountain bikes & balloon tired bikes. Those items have merit, but they just do not belong here.

- Don't hesitate to ask a newbie question. Everyone starts at the beginning!

Please contact me at oroboyz@aol.com if you have questions.

Have fun and welcome aboard! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina <A HREF="http://www.classicrendezvous.com/main.htm">Classic Rendezvous</A> List Manager