
(Example: Production Builders)

From: "Mark Petry" <mpetry@bainbridgeisland.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 08:59:49 -0800
In-Reply-To: <CATFOODNkjgJKVApwOL00002609@catfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]Eisentraut

Bruce, GREAT reminiscence about the prestige of Eisentraut's bikes in the SF Bay Area in the late 60s and early 70s. I especially liked your comments about that downtube "signature". The only signature that even comes close is some guy named R. Brian Baylis who painted his signature on the downtube of my purple Wizard. Too cool.

Maybe Al ought to hear about the longevity of your Limited. I've always felt that the definition of QUALITY is "that which improves with age" and the exceptional bike frame, car, camera, or human being so embodied is worth hanging on to!

===================================================== Mark Petry 206.618.9642 Beautiful Bainbridge Island, WA mpetry@bainbridgeisland.net ===================================================== Congratulations. You have made it this far. You must have been found worthy. At least somewhat worthy.

J. R. "Bob" Dobbs =====================================================

From: "Bruce & Marie Van Remortel" <vrgeckos@ite.net> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 19:11:51 +1000 Subject: [CR]In case there is any doubt/Eisentraut

As a rider who owns a couple of Eisentrauts, it is a real joy reading this string! I grew up in the south bay in Spence Wolf's shop with Cinellis/Taylors, Phil Wood, etc and in the Bay Area Albert was SOMETHING HUGE! I appreciate other builders, but could never shake that "Signature" on his downtube, super cool is all I can say.

My Limited is still riding great, I got that when I was 15 and still have it (refinished in 1990 by Cyclart).

My Y2K frame is what I always wanted from him, pure custom in every way. While working the design and finishing he gave me attitude on several "classic" (can't say RETRO now that I see Grant on the list!!!) touches. The Nervex Pros/BB/crown were not something he looked forward to, but he bit the bullet and anyone that has seen this thing know, he is STILL a master framebuilder! In the end (I have non-digital picture of the entire build) he says he really enjoyed the blast from the past, so he still does have a heart and he really wants to satisfy his customers. I ride it several times a week and you can NOT beat a true custom-he picked the tubes and angles just perfectly. He took my build to heart. I'd endure it again in a minute.

I figure he must be about 62ish going off the history of his production, so if you want one get it soon as he may REALLY give it up soon in my opinion. Of course he may be at it into his 90's! : )

Grant: I've suggested it before to you, ***go interview this old master and get his story down for a Riv Reader interview!*** I've got his story from 1974 Bicycling, 1976 Limited road test, Rainbow 'Traut" test (his dour feelings even then!), and of course his story in the bicycle trader 98?.

He's got to still love it... or else he'd be long gone. I'm sure all masters are "difficult" (at least it add to his mystique...)

Bruce Van Remortel
Guam for 152 more days...
Nice, as usual