RE: [CR]Paramount on Ebay

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: 'Tom Hayes' <>,
Subject: RE: [CR]Paramount on Ebay
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 19:53:44 -0800

If you want to try to convince him they're Prugnat, send him to where there is a close-up photo, undeniably the same lugs.

Mark Bulgier Seattle, Wa USA

Tom Hayes wrote:
> I don't know if others of you have seen this Paramount on Ebay;
> he lists it as Nervex lugs. Those aren't Nervex lugs, are they?
> And the year he states the bike is, would fit with when Paramount
> switched to Prugnat lugs?