[CR]Re: campagnolo = fb ... but paying for name?

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

From: "ben kamen" <benkamenphoto@nyc.rr.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
In-Reply-To: <20021024135300.87452.74058.Mailman@phred.org>
Subject: [CR]Re: campagnolo = fb ... but paying for name?
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 13:07:55 -0400

10/24/02 9:53 AMclassicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org
> Harvey--- You are correct--- They ARE exactly like your FB hubs, BUT, the=
> y are Campagnolo, not FB, and this makes a significant difference, eviden=
> tly. I have not seen a set of the same hubs that are marked "Simplex" on=
> Ebay, but I would wager that they would bring more than the Campag......=
> .......... You should not be at all confused---- They are paying for the=
> name, not the hub! :-) Nelson Miller--- Seattle

Hi Nelson and list,

I had sold a set of used FB track hubs on ebay for coin not to be sneezed at.


I would agree that had they been stamped as products from the house of Tullio they would have attracted a higher bid but i dont think the FB stamp makes them much of a poorer cousin. Given that my track pair were used i dont see the NOS hub shell's being totally out of line in price - i still think its crazy money (not that im complaining) but not inconsistent for Ebay.

Also note that the ebay seller of the hub shells (joeramone) is tried and tested amongst most of the ebay top price bidders/collectors. The buyers would note that the seller consitently has very nice period items and more than a few would follow his auction listings regularly and be prepared to bid high when something that piques their interest is offered. That he/she has the insouciance to use the moniker "joeramone" instantly makes the seller 'way cool' in my book.

I do however, in light of the ebay prices, think that the NOS flip/flop FB hubset in original packaging offered at Velostuf for $490 is a bargain that some of the ebay high bidders and collectors might be wise to consider. No bidding wars or uncertainty applies for them.


The FB/Campagnolo/Simplex? 3 piece hubs are just plain the sexiest - in fact i would go as far as to say that one would have to travel slightly past the CR cut-off period to find a hub with close to as much visual appeal, jewel like detail and balanced lines ....... but then that is pure conjecture and opinions of course will vary.


Not that i get bored here with the discussions about lugs but i feel that wheels is where its at - perhaps im just a hub man. Where i a sailor my vision of a mermaid would have a fish top half ;-)


Ben Kamen, NYC