(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

From: "Renaissance-Cycles" <>
To: <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]EBAY
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 19:58:32 +0200


You set up the your low cost auction site and I will be in line to give your boat a try with some not so common goods. ''NOW!'' Please no emails about these not so common goods.

BC Baron Corpuz...................And the gang!!..............Going on a road trip to bring the goods home!................My adopted home Eindhoven.....Holland.

----- Original Message -----
From: brian blum
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 7:32 PM
Subject: [CR]EBAY

> My take on ebay in general is that there is a lot of shill bidding and shanangans. There is an MSMBC investigative report out yesterday which coincides with my observation and experience. EBAY encourages it by protecting corrupt sellers and punishing vigilantes. I often have listed items and had one low bid when a simular item in worse condition sold for 50% more with 15 bids which I attribute to shill bidding. Many (not most)large sellers have set up the structure for this with mutual bidding networks. EBAY is getting more and more expensive and I am comtemplating setting up a low cost auction server for Bike collectors and traders which I believe can draw a significant portion of vintage trade (since there are only a few thousand of us worldwide) probably with little profit. EBAY's greed and lack of service disgusts me but right now it is the only game in town for auctions. Brian in Berkeley