[CR]Re: Is not good to "out" Ebay stuff?

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

To: OROBOYZ@aol.com
Cc: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
Subject: [CR]Re: Is not good to "out" Ebay stuff?
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 17:53:10 -0500

wow! dale i just sent my sentiments to the list via a post instigated by jay van de velde.

you have made a few assumptions here in your text relative to my motivations regarding '3rd party posts', for lack of a better term. the assumptions are plain wrong. fwiw, it appeared to me that the list is becoming completely ebay-centric it its subject matter. that is, many of the posts depend on ebay as fodder. outings. judgements. decrying the 'japanese' for driving prices up. ranking on sellers with less vintage knowledge than 'us'. etcetera. in other words, without an ebay related subject header, there'd be fewer posts.

in any event, i find myself in the minority on today's issue. i will work on integrating myself into the list 'spirit'. sorry to have caused a stir. e-RICHIE ebay seller's name: bobbesrs chester, ct

On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 16:33:27 EST OROBOYZ@aol.com writes:
> In a message dated 11/5/2002 1:49:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> richardsachs@juno.com writes:
> << seriously though-one of my only pet peeves about this list is the
> routine
> posting of ebay auctions by 3rd party listees who feel like they are
> helping
> their brethren by pointing out information that is already available
> for all
> to see. i expect disagreement.. >>
> I think this is sent to the whole list so I will respond there.. And
> it
> applies to all of us..
> I just don't understand your thinking here...
> Your peeve seems to be from a buyers point of view; wanting to
> shield oneself
> from competitors in a particular auction. I can understand if I
> wanted to bid
> on something and buy it for the lowest price, then I would hope that
> no one
> else knew about it to compete with me. That seems a little hopeless
> though,
> especially with many buyers, the Japanese collectors, being so
> astute at Ebay
> watching. And there is something wrong with the inclination to say
> to one's
> friends and associates, in effect, "Don't tell anyone about this
> auction
> because I WANT it!" That's like saying "Don't buy a Richard Sachs
> frame so I
> can drive the demand down and he will be forced to sell one to me at
> a lower
> price."
> I would have thought that you, Richard, being a seller most of the
> time (at
> least that I am aware of) would want as much attention to the
> auctions as
> possible. Thereby maximizing the potential buyers and making the
> most return.
> I think the CR is the perfect place to call attention to vintage
> related
> auctions. I personally rarely search Ebay, just don't want to spend
> the time,
> so I really appreciate someone on the CR list pointing out
> interesting stuff.
> <<3rd party listees who feel like they are helping their brethren by
> pointing
> out information that is already available for all to see>>
> But they truly are helping me! Yes, that stuff is out there but who
> wants to
> spend all that time hunting around? More power to those folks but I
> would
> much rather a CR list member tell us/me when something cool pops up.
> I don't
> want necessarily to buy it, but to look at the item, learn about
> stuff I
> haven't seen, marvel at how much someone else wants it, etc. I have
> bought a
> few items though and really was grateful to the list members who
> clued me in
> to the auctions so I could bid (Thanks Karen, Scott and the rest!)
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC