Re: [CR] Is it not good to "out" eBay stuff?

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Falck)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Is it not good to "out" eBay stuff?
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 18:57:59 EST

If all everyone wants to do is "discuss" the item in question, then why not wait until after the auction finishes to expose it? Can we agree on that? That way, if CR members are already watching the item in question, they may h ave a ghost of a chance of getting it at auction's end.

As we've discussed previously on this issue, as buyers on eBay, the only weapons we have at our disposal are knowledge and stealth. "Outing" something drops a grenade on the stealth part, and puts money directly into the seller's pocket. Unless you are getting a direct commission from the seller based on the final "hammer price," why do that? EBay is so unabashedly slanted in favor of sellers, they don't really need our help in increasing revenues....

Any eBay seller is entitled to promote his or her auction as he/she sees fit. Why should we do that job for him?

Flame away......

Greg "love that Nomex" Parker A2 MI USA

In a message dated 11/5/02 6:28:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Message: 9
> From: John Price <>
> To:
> Subject: RE: [CR]Is not good to "out" Ebay stuff?
> Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 15:24:32 -0700
> And yes I'll jump in and agree as well. I appreciate seeing these auction
> notices too. I rarely bid as I find it easier to buy when someone just
> posts "FOR SALE"s but I do enjoy seeing what I've missed in my EBay
> browsing. And if I am going to bid I will even think twice about it if I
> see a fellow CR member bidding (assuming I can tell). In one case Jan
> Heine
> and I emailed over some Maxi-Car hubs to see if either was going to bid (I
> passed - too rich for my blood and I knew Jan could use them more, although
> I think he passed as yet another CR member was bidding). In any case I
> enjoy seeing the ads.
> Now, as for the notion that this exposes an auction and thus others may out
> bid you, what about extending this - if I find one of Richard's auctions on
> my own and then the next thing I know he's posting his auction on CR ? Hey
> ! I don't need others being told ! So, where do we draw the line ?
> John "no money for EBay right now anyway" Price
> Denver CO
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bingham, Wayne R. []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 3:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [CR]Is not good to "out" Ebay stuff?
> I have to side with Dale and Jay (and others?) on this issue. Outing a
> item on CR isn't always about attracting more sharks to the frenzy. I
> appreciate being made aware of some items because I'm curious or
> possibly just haven't ever seen the item before. I think that applies
> to others as well. I have very rarely, if ever, jumped on something
> that was "outed" on CR. I've also chosen not to bid against other known
> CR members (although I have no hard-and-fast rule on that). More than
> anything else, this list is about sharing information and learning.
> Often, interesting discussions have been generated just by an eBay item.
> I think that, more often than not, that is the real reason items get
> "outed" in this forum.
> But that's just my opinion.
> Wayne Bingham
> Falls Church, VA