Re: [CR] Schwinn Peloton, c. 1984--who made them?

(Example: History)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Schwinn Peloton, c. 1984--who made them?
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 23:36:38 EST

In a message dated 11/13/2002 11:16:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Subj:[CR] Schwinn Peloton, c. 1984--who made them?
> Date:11/13/2002 11:16:07 PM Eastern Standard Time
> From:<A HREF=""></A>
> To:<A HREF=""></A>
> Sent from the Internet
> Hey, folks.
> There's a Schwinn Peloton available in these parts that I'm pretty sure I'm
> going to buy. SunTour Superbe Pro derailleurs, Sugino Aero Mighty crank,
> DiaCompe 400 brakes, chromed dropouts, Araya aero tubular rims. . . .
> This is one of the Schwinns that was made in Japan, 1984-86, its lugged
> frame of Columbus tubing. (Thanks to Lou and his database for the date!)
> Does anyone know who made these for Schwinn? They seem pretty nice to me,
> and aside from the fact I'll need a longer stem, this one felt really nice
> when I rode it around the lot.
> Anyway, I'm just curious if anyone knows more about who made the frames.
> Thanks!
> nath dresser
> spring green, wi

Pamasonic would be my guess a.k.a. Matsushita Electric, a.k.a. National They also made what some called the Japanesamount

Larry black
Far East (U.S., that is, Maryland)