Re: [CR]Bianchi/Ducati "Limited Edition" bicycle

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Bianchi/Ducati "Limited Edition" bicycle
References: <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 12:27:52 -0700 wrote:
> For 5500 Euro, you can have an "all-Italian Fighter bike" that weighs the
> same as certain twenty-five-year-old Reynolds 753-tubed bikes that you can
> pick up for perhaps one-fourth or one-third the price in mint condition....
> Let's see: now which ones would be worth more in say, ten years' time?

Not so sure your right on which one is worth more in ten years, Greg.

Edition of 200, joint project by Bianchi and Ducati, endorsed by "Felice Gimondi, who has won with Bianchi all the Tour and Classic races; and Troy Bayliss, Ducati Superbike World Champion and GP rider in 2003."

Around my area there are lots (yes, lots) of Ducati owners who also race bicycles. Matching bike and motorcycle? I'd be all over that one. Edition of 200? Not enough to go around. Especially in 25 years time.

I don't think it makes much sense to compare new with twenty five year old stuff. The guy buying new isn't the customer for the old. My opinion...

Chuck Schmidt SoPas, SoCal
