[CR]Hub identification help, please.

(Example: Events:Eroica)

To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: Tom Hayes <hayesbikes@mail.nls.net>
Subject: [CR]Hub identification help, please.
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 20:09:06 -0500

I have picked up an Olmo bike from the fifties, maybe early sixties, that has a set of hubs with "Olmo" engraved in the middle of the spindle housing. I have them apart, and there does not appear to be any markings on axles, bolts, or cones. They appear similar to Campy Gran Sport of that era, though I am not familiar enough with "quality" hubs of that period to know whether most hubs appeared similar to the Gran Sport. These do not have quick release either. And one other thing about these hubs--though this identification maybe more a sign that these 58 year old eyes need to get themselves off to the opathamologist sooner than anticipated--nine of the holes on each side appear to be larger than the other nine, spaced every other hole on each side. At first I thought it was a matter of the direction and entry of the spoke but it does not appear that way, though I could be wrong.

In any case, does anyone know of hub manufacturers from this era that would have specialized in manufacturing hubs for specific bikes of the same era?

I could send jpegs if that might help, though I doubt whether my camera and ability would allow me to get a close-up enough of the spoke holes to show the difference in diameter of the spoke holes.

As always, thank you for your help.

Cheers from rainy, cold, almost snowing Chagrin Falls,


Tom Hayes
18585 Munn Road
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023