Richard M Sachs <> wrote:snipped: Tom Dalton writes: For certain, in many instances an accepted standard practice becomes entrenched (pagan rituals?) but doesnt actually work better even if the craftsman believes it does. In such cases engineering and science might be applied to improve the product.
they've already been applied. trek oclv. cannondale cad6. pinarello prince. etcetera. industry has found a way to combine engineering, materials, and methodology and produce extremely fine bicycles while eliminating the inefficiencys inherent in small and/or low volume shops. are they better? define 'better'. are they relevant? for sure; they bring more people into the sport and give them value once only found in the ateliers of fine framebuilders.
Yes, I agree. Changes in materials and process, brought an engineering/scientific approach, have lead to great performing bikes that are quite affordable (Prince aside). To say they have "already" been applied suggests that engineering/science weren't applied "before" and haven't been since. I think recent developments have been pretty revolutionary within the world of bikes, but change driven by an interplay between craft and science/engineering has been happening all along. An certainly not just with bikes.
can these products be comparable to those made in smaller numbers and costing much more? that's a question to ask the buyers, not the sellers. e-RICHIE high school diploma chester, ct
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