Re: [CR]WAS Earliest SR rear? NOW How Many Years

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]WAS Earliest SR rear? NOW How Many Years
References: <5D7622C111F78A4C8A27817E18BBAEB732D5EC@mlsswn02p.WAS.INT.IMF.ORG>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 11:14:14 -0700

"Bingham, Wayne R." wrote:
> If the earliest Super Record (first generation?) had no PAT date, and there was a PAT 73, could the no-date been as early as 72? Also, when was the last one? I have two, one dated 75 and the other 76. Was 76 the last before the body change?
> Wayne "minutia curious" Bingham
> Falls Church VA

Below was a discussion of SR rear derailleurs I had with Paul Carlson and Dave Walker back in June 1999:

========================================================================== At 11:55 AM 6/10/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Dave, This was sent to me by Paul Carlson. Do you have any thoughts
>or different memories? Chuck
>>1968-First "Model Year" NR Rear Derailleurs produced. Barrel with cage
>>stop very crude with tacked-on or brazed-on stop receiver. No barrel
>>insert(plastic) as with later years. The Nuovo Record front plate is
>>very crudely modeled/forged by later standards. Only "Patent" appears
>>on top of body.Jockey pulleys are different from later years.

Some of the early NRs have no lettering at all on the upper pivot. Michael Kone has one of these. The cable attachment "hanger" (which the bolt screws into) is much thicker than later models.
>>1969-Little change from 1968. "Patent", lower barrel has been cleaned up
>and looks more like
>later years.
>>1970-"Patent -70"
>>1971-"Nuovo Record" front plate modeling is improved.
>>1972-common date, introduction of the plastic pivot bolt bushing and
>>subsequent resizing of lower pivot bolt
>>1973-common date. I have a SR Rear Dated "Patent -73", OEM from an
>>early DeRosa, (produced with leftover NR parts?)

Dunno if they were made from leftover NR parts (what's the point? Everything's the same on them except front parallelogram plate and the fact that they black anodized the two end housings...and Ti bolts, of course), but there are a few Patent 73 SR derailleurs floating around, so I'd call this the beginning.
>>1975-First SR Rears distributed!?

Some Raleigh Team 531 bikes distributed in 1974 have "Patent 74" SR r.d.'s., so I'd call it '74.
>>1978-Campy Tech Rep:"Due to a Worldwide Titanium shortage, Campagnolo
>>decides to use Aluminum Hanger and Pivot Bolts on the SR Rear Derailleur
>rather than
>increase the grupo price." Change in the jockey
>>cage design to improve chain take-up for the new pro 12t cog use. NR has
>plastic stop screw
>>1979-Anodized Campagnolo Logo on SR Front Plates
>>1980-"PAT.80" used instead of "PATENT-xx"
>>1981-Gradual intro of SS riveted plate hinge pins.
>>1982-SR back plate has interesting Super Record engraved
>>1983-Change to non removable return spring. Back plate changed to flatter
>style with no
>"Brev. Int. Campangolo"
>>1984-SS milled "knock out" plate hinge pins
>>1985-87? No "Patent" stamps on body
>>I have seen a later NR with the newer hinge pins which has a peculiar
>>body stamping in the "Patent" Location = "Pat. 11"

SR's also had "Pat. 11" (or nothing at all) on them in the mid-80's.
>>I have at least one of each of the NR years(only one example of "no
>>date" from post 1984, have '73(?) & '80-'85 in SR.
>>Also have, in no particularly significant order, some of the newer
>>Pro-style Record, Chorus, Off Road Derailleurs. And some HEAVY older
>>style Gran Sport, Turismo, Valentino, Rally, etc.
>>One thing I am disappointed with is Campy's lack of Logo engraved on
>>their new Record Hub bodies.

Hope this helps,

Dave Walker ==========================================================================

Anyone have any additonal thoughts or questions?

Chuck Schmidt SoPas, SoCal
