I know that we aren't supposed to post "attaboys", but I agree with Lou on this one, and think that before things get too ugly (too late???), I think it should be noted that we haven't heard from the party that should be angry about this...Mr. Miller. But I suppose that he may be busy kicking himself for his own negligence in this matter.
In my humble opinion, as long as Mark doesn't outsource the Hetchins name to Taiwan, I don't see the problem in it. And even if he did, it would be his legal right, and you Hetchins fans would have to collect the old bikes like Peugeot, Motobecane, etc. fans do anyhow. This all gets back to the old topic of "What is a classic...and what is a bike produced in 2002 in the "classic" style off topic for this discussion group." Was that ever resolved???
Stephan Andranian...sticking my neck out and bracing for the backlash in Costa Mesa, CA, where it was 70 degrees and sunny on my 6:30am ride. LouDeeter@aol.com wrote:Wow, I haven't seen such venom on the CR list since last time we talked about this subject. Obvious to me that Mark may have the legal high ground here even if some people don't want to grant him the moral high ground. You certainly have to give him credit for being smart enough to figure it out, even if you don't like the outcome. Seems that isn't the issue right now, only whether he has owned up properly to the "paper trail" of how he ended up with the legal name to use Hetchins in the first place. Not my area to judge, but in the spirit of our (that's U.S.A. guys/gals) national holiday tomorrow, I'm just thankful that we still have bicycle frames being made in the "old style" with Hetchins decals and I'm not going to worry too much about who owns the rights to it. The buyer can surely make the decision of which Hetchins to purchase, even if the differences do make things somewhat difficult. Hey, I've even seen a Hetchins replica made in Southern California!! I'm sure that had the CR list been around in the late 70s, early 80s, we'd be taking sides over the use of the Masi decals too. Happy Thanksgiving all, Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
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