E-Ritchie says "as for this hetchins thing, neither is "the original" nor "the official" maker."
Actually Richard I believe thats not correct. Hetchins was not a one man show. They were/are a manufacturer and retailer of bicyles. The history as described by Flash reveals a direct personal and business contact from the founders to the present day. These people "touched" each other. They continue to operate the same business. The history is also documented by len Ingram, keeper of the Registry, who followed Hilary Stone in that task. The Rally - a dedicated weekend to the collecting of Hetchins in July every year is attended by people who have continuously been involved in one fashion or another. The current owner of the mark - the guy who bought the business from Alf displays bikes from his collection there. The key players have been mute through all of this - anybody wondering why?
Ive got 70 onions to go cook.
Tom Rawson
Oaklnad California