Re: [CR]NOW: Omega/Gillott WAS:Griff King-Spooner (London UK) & gillott

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

Subject: Re: [CR]NOW: Omega/Gillott WAS:Griff King-Spooner (London UK) & gillott
From: "Bill Bryant" <>
To: <>, <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 16:00:15 -0800

on 11/28/02 2:19 PM, Chuck Schmidt at wrote:
> Mark, the _only_ thing I see that your modern "Gillott" has in common
> with the real thing is the downtube and badge decal. <
> And a _straight_ bladed fork? Heresy!
> Quoting from the mid-50s brochure, "GILLOTT'S FAMOUS FORK BLADES. We
> illustrate two examples of fork blades... On the right is shown the
> GRADUAL rake, which we consider to be the best... It will be observed
> that the rake starts high and continues to the fork end in a gradual curve."
> I can see why you're "not sure of the demand." Hard to see why anyone
> would think they were getting any part of a Gillott other that the
> Gillott decals.
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California

I agree completely-- and why put an ugly, if lightweight welded Ti stem on it too? it adds insult to injury. The fleur-de-lis lugs are available to make a nice matching stem to go with the frame lugs. Paint it blue or white to go with the bike. That'd be better, IMHO.

Overall, this business of taking DOA builders' names and slapping the old decals on new frames being built by parties w/o any frame-building connection to the old firm seems pretty creepy to me. Why not just call it an Omega? If that name is good enough for the rest of the bikes being sold by this firm, then why not the lugged frame too? Why buy or swipe some old firm's name? Isn't the lugged frame "worthy" enough? Or are the buyers that pathetic? The whole thing smacks of tacky Elvis impersonators--not good enough to make it on their own, so they borrow someone else's image to make a few bucks. Ick. :-(

Bill Bryant
Santa Cruz, CA