Re: [CR]More blather from me about Outing on eBay...

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]More blather from me about Outing on eBay...
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 23:55:28 EST

"So it turns out is not the proliferation of eBay discussions on the CR that is objectionable to some of you, but instead the alerting of other bidders to the auction that you want to win or perhaps do not want comments on. This is a very much less defendable position, as it is based upon your own self interest over the communal dialogue about those items.. Yes, even a bit selfish. And the seller deserves the highest price that the market will provide. I am not crazy about the high prices that some items have sold for but I staunchly believe in a free marketplace!

"If that philosophy of not wanting outing on the CR list was taken by a seller, one could almost assume that they did not want an informed buyer but would rather that the item not be defined so closely so as to possibly reveal

negatives about it...

"I might wish for a stealth mode if I really wanted to buy a particular item at auction, but I wouldn't have the nerve to request and expect that everyone

on the CR list shut up about that auction until I had won... Who was it that said, "This does not smack of nobility but of blatant self interest!" Shakespeare? Groucho Marx?"


Please define "free marketplace". Please include a comment on "participant on a free market". And maybe, while you're at it, maybe define "peanut gallery". (You know what they say about comments from the peanut gallery.) Perhaps, them that actually does, should do, and them that watches should....ah ..... watch.

Query: why would "communal dialogue" in fact benefit from yet another "I can't figure out why such-and-such auction is getting so little action" post -- and when, in fact, did such a post even RESULT in communal dialogue, much less, valuable communal dialogue? How many "I saw this on e-bay" posts involve rare or interesting or different or discussion-worthy subjects? E-Richie, your instant abandonment of your original position surprised and disappointed me. If a Confente, or an original Coppi Bianchi, comes online, I'm never going to argue that it doesn't deserve conversation, but most thrid-party outings don't involve Confentes or Coppi Bianchis.

Shrug. Who cares.

Vintage bicycle content: I've coveted PX-10's for a number of years now. I recently acquired one, on the free and educated market, and rather advantageously, one might add. A handsome and very rescuable Brooks Pro, a clean and shiny badged Simplex post, a clean S'light 93, and un-brinnelled S'light V-4, and some intriguing Simplex ders and shifters (Criteriums? Very nice shifters.). Yeah, baby. The paint threw me a bit -- kind of a dark turquoise, which I originally thought was a repaint, but later realized wasn't. Early decals. Mod E's on Normandy Comps are waiting to go on. :-) I hope to consult with PX-10 experts in the future, regarding a couple of items.

Peter Bridge
Denver, Colorado