RE: [CR]Re: ebay finds

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

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From: "Grant McLean" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Re: ebay finds
To: 'DB' <>, "Classic Rendezvous Mail List (E-mail)" <>
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:00:21 -0500

>I would venture to say that without ebay, the CR list would not be what we find it to be today. -Dan Borden in Brookline, MA

My reply,

I'm not disagreeing with this statement. I think almost every list member enjoys having the resource of Ebay, for many reasons. I think what started this thread was a specific comment by E-Richie, which he has now decided to change his position on, that is: If you're a seller and you "out" your goods to the list, you should "put up with" others on the list outing their finds. I guess turnaround is fair play. I don't think the value of ebay to the group was ever in question, only the size of the dose.

Grant McLean Toronto, .ca

At 5:45 PM -0500 11/5/02, Grant McLean wrote:
>I tried the following topic searches of the CR List archive came up with
>these hits:
>8031 Ebay
>7190 Raleigh
>5806 Campagnolo
>4385 Bianchi
>2445 Masi
>2271 Peugeot