Re: Re:[CR]Price reduction: Vitus 979 for sale

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Re:[CR]Price reduction: Vitus 979 for sale
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 18:12:21 -0600

Mark: I've owned a few of the 979 in the last twenty years and never has seen one with such a surface, although some of the frames that are red, purple and blue may look more luminecent, as the alloy may be showing through. The black anodizing is probably more opaque.

Peter Naiman Boston, Mass
> From:
> Date: 2002/11/06 Wed PM 05:56:04 CST
> To:
> Subject: Re:[CR]Price reduction: Vitus 979 for sale
> Regarding Peter Naiman's post:
> >Subject: [CR]Price reduction: Vitus 979 for sale
> >For sale; 50cm 1979 or 1980 Vitus 979 alloy frame and fork. Black anodized
> tubing >with alloy lugs. Bike is NOS, built with Campy SR. I bought the
> complete bike at >Larz Anderson a few years ago and it has never been ridden.
> I'm keeping the group >for another project.
> >Will sell for $275.00 or Best offer.
> My Vitus may possibly have been black originally, but faded to a cool
> "black chrome" kind of look. The finish is very similar to polished HEMATITE
> (sp?) stone, if anyone knows what that looks like. Perhaps it was made this
> way? The depth and luminescence if it is similar to the old blue ones that I
> have seen, but I can see no indication that this was originally blue in any
> way; it seems to dark for that. I've never seen black ones that look like
> mine here. The bike came to me with a mix of better 1982 parts on it. Any
> insight into this finish? I can take pics of it tonight if anyone would want
> to see them.
> Best regards,
> Mark Agree
> Detroit MI