Re: [CR] Dead Horse? It's eBay: Deal with it!

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

From: "M4Campy" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Dead Horse? It's eBay: Deal with it!
References: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 21:12:34 -0700 wrote:
>Oooh, oooh, that's too easy! Ask for something more difficult!
>OK, pick any neato thing that Steven (for example, not singling anyone out,
>he just finds way cool stuff IMO) has "outed" recently, go look at the bid
>history, and you will frequently see that within eight hours (or less...) of
>his "outing" there were anywhere from 2 to 8 CR members that had put in bids,
>and the price had doubled or perhaps tripled. Often, some of us had also been
>already watching, but not bidding on, that item. QED.
> Well, I still have the ebay handle list for those who want to play. That was exactly what it was for, so that we could recognize fellow CR members, decide for oursleves if we wanted to bid against our brothern or at least open up some communication so that if it was something that two cr members wanted they could at least avoid inflating the price.

Just a thought...

So, if you want to be included on the list send me your full name and ebay handle and email address and I'll add it to the list then tell ya where to get it. Stictly voluntary...

But may it can keep the neato outed item price from being tripled.?.

Mike Wilkinson
Parker, CO