Re: [CR]BSA Question

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]BSA Question
References: <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 17:59:13 -0700 wrote:
> Hello-
> I relative of mine left me a 1930ish track frame, (way before my time).
> I was told it originally came equipped with BSA parts. I received it as a
> stripped frame except for a BSA BB and a BSA HS (i think). My question is
> what other parts did BSA make in their heyday?
> I have seen BSA cranks and pedals, but have little to no knowledge of
> what else was available. Can someone steer me to a parts source? Also what
> type/brand of seatpost, bars/stem would be appropriate for this beast.
> Cheers,
> Dave Anderson
> Cut Bank MT

Well, there is some guy doing pirated stuff under the name RetroVeeelo or something out on the west coast somewhere ;)

BSA Cycle Fittings Catalog, 1927 -- 6 pages, shows the distinctive chain wheel incorporating the Trade Mark letters "BSA", lugs, cranks, pedals, headsets, hubs, handlebars and the B.S.A. American Racing Frame. B&W cover. $ 4

Chuck "the retro veelo guy is a _real_ close relative" Schmidt SoPas, SoCal where the weather was so nice today that I had to phone in sick and go for a 60 miler on the fixed... (reprints, t-shirts & Campagnolo Timeline)
