Re: [CR] inch pitch...gonna leave me in a pinch?

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] inch pitch...gonna leave me in a pinch?
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:33:29 EST

In a message dated 11/12/2002 4:35:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

>How hard is it going to be to find an inch pitch rear cog and chain? If I
>locate, what costs am I looking at?
>Any input, info, or free ones welcome...

To which Larry Black responded:
> I'm thinking the 1"x3/16" chains are going to be a more challenging find
> than
> the rings and rear (cogs) sprockets (how did they ever get called cogs?)
> I have rears from 6-12 in CB, single-speed FW, and also for Campag and
> other
> fixed. Fronts from 22-30 in steel Ashtabula two-piece,steel and alloy
> five-pin(TA-ish)6-arm, and 5-arm, and alloy for TA/Stronglite and similar
> 'adapter-spider' arrangements.
> I will trade these for good condition roller and/or block chains or buy
> the
> chains outright.
> I'd also appreciate links to any chain information
> Larry Black
> Woodbine, Maryland

Larry, Walt, and all CR inch-pitch-ophiles:

The chains are out there. Be aware, however, that Diamond apparently made a run of "repop" inch-by-three-sixteenths roller chain some time ago. These are commonly available NOS from the balloon folks for about $45-50 retail. They are a brownish color.

The original old top-end Diamond chains, which are magnificent IMHO, have blued inner links and nickel-plated outer links. These are understandably rather rare in NOS condition, and sell for considerably more. Be aware also that there were one-inch by one-quarter inch chains also IIRC - too wide for lightweight use.

My fave inch-pitch chain is the minimalist Wippermann block - anyone know of any NOS ones that are available for sale?

The Campy inch-pitch chainrings (available in 151 BCD only) are somewhat scarce in NOS condition but are available; usually 24, 25, and 26-tooth pop up on you-know-where from time to time. The C-brand rear sprockets seem to be the most rare from what I've seen, particularly in the larger sizes (you can generally find 6-tooth ones!! How's that for violating the fundamental law of gearing?!)

Walt, contact me off-list with your size preferences. I can probably dig through my stash and come up with a decent chain and cog for a reasonable price.


Greg "block-head" Parker