RE: [CR] Charles B. Kramer writes "I quit!"

(Example: Racing)

From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: [CR] Charles B. Kramer writes "I quit!"
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 07:02:34 -0800

Charles, I just re-read your contributions, and they were solid, informative, on-topic and polite. I'm going to assume you aren't normally prone to childish tantrums. Just enjoy dramatic exits, needed to blow off steam? Whatever, fare thee well.

Mark "snobby creep" Bulgier Seattle, Wa USA

> -- Due to my putting in place a few recent minor tweaks,
> -- and for you all just to be on the safe side, I urge
> That does it. What a snobby clubbish bunch of creeps.
> If you want to go to the effort to take me off this list,
> please do so.
> Note I forgot to put my address here -- oh, oh, Daddy might get mad!!!
> - Dr. Mystery (you'll see my email address)