WRT the conversation below, I would be pretty certain that this damage was from the inside and caused by residual fluids from the plating process -- just because it happened to us.
About 1970, I took Susan's beautiful but beaten-up Atala (cast lugs with lots of windows) to a motorcycle custom shop for metallic blue paint and new chrome. It took months. We enjoyed it for years. Until the right seat stay rusted through. I happened to have a crashed frame with the right stay profile, and brazed it in, but, goodbye to the chrome... I think I'll restrict my rechroming to fork ends...
harvey "chastened" sachs
mcLean va
The seller claims this is from hanging the bike with water in the frame.
What makes you say this is the result of a poor re-chroming job? I
don't doubt you, but am wondering. I could see water getting into
the chain stay from the BB, but not the seat stay. Unless it got in
through that tiny little vent hole while hanging during a flood:)
Dan Kasha
Providence RI (glad my Peugeot PR10L does not have chrome stays:)
Greg wrote:
If you'd like to see what can happen from a poor re-chroming job, take a
at the Rossin that Bob Freeman has for sale on eBay right now: