I have a similar 'hobby', switching back and forth between clinchers and tubulars on the same bike. Make a lot of money and put on a pair of Veloflex 'record' tubulars, and tell me if that isn't the way to live. The distinctions may have grown less as you suggest, but to me a great pair of tubulars is still oh so nice... It's in the tires, and the wallet.
Dennis, looking for that ol' time feeling, Young Hotaka, Japan
> Put good clincher rims and tires on your bike! I'll probably get =
> raked over the coals really good for this by the hard core, but I've got =
> to say that I've got a bike that I regularly switch back and forth from =
> a set of tubular wheels to clinchers and with the modern, high quality, =
> lightweight clincher tires I use (Vittorias) I don't see the differences =
> I first noticed years ago when I abandoned my silk sew ups. Back then =
> there was a marked difference between the two types of tires but today =
> there is not all that much difference. Better tubulars...worse sew ups? =
> I think the former, although I haven't seen a set of silk sew ups in =
> quite a while. Plus, even with Kevlar Spinskins under them the 200 gram =
> Vittorias are very fast and smooth running. Did I mention how much less =
> work they are?
> Tom Sanders
> Lansing, Mi