> > This got me wondering if other countries have
> techniques, or "quirks"
> > (there's that word again) that they are known for
> or used/developed quite
> > apart from others. Is there something that is/was
> "typically Italian" or
> > "veddy British" ? What says the group ?
1 3/8" vs. 35mm vs. 36mm,
x24tpi x1mm x1mm
(sub) french vs. swiss
1/2" vs. 9/16" vs. 'french' (can't recall what lyotard used, but I've got a pair back in the warehouse..)
22.2mm vs. 22.0
26.4 vs 27.0 (then there's all the 1 1/8, 1 1/4, and 1 3/8 variants, but let's not go there..)
24tpi vs. 26tpi (old raleigh low end BBs)
24tpi vs. 28tpi (schwinn 1pc crank)
22.2mm vs. .833" stems
26.0mm vs. 25.4 HB clamps
myriad seatpost/tube diameters
...axle thread diameter/thread pitch/bevel
english vs. french vs. italian (<- 'B' fit w/ english) HS threads
r der hanger tab placement/orientation
then there's f der's -- three or four (or five, with schwinn) clamp diameters, *plus* braze-on, clamped via R BB cup; top pull or bottom pull; top swing or bottom swing; high or low normal; regular or compact crank arc... (granted, most of the above permutations are relatively recent -- once upon a time, there *was* a fairly universal-fit front der.) ..oh, and I forgot: w/ or w/o a cable housing stop
large vs. small flange 3x vs. 4x (vs. 2x or even radial) 27" vs. 700c/sewup box section vs. U section vs. concave
legnano vs. anyone else in the universe (SP clamp)
I don't even bother to mention all the crap foisted upon the market under the heading 'innovation/technology' by shimano
bruce "the nice thing about standards is that there are so *many* of them" krueger Urbana IL