Re: [CR]Herse stems - how made

(Example: Books)

From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Herse stems - how made
References: <a05010403ba2e845c8762@[]>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 15:00:56 -0700

Jan Heine wrote:
> Thanks for those who mailed with suggestions on how to make Rene Herse stems.
> Finally, with help from Paul LeMaire, I think I figured it out. For
> those with a copy of the Rene Herse book by New Cycling, go to page
> 105 (from the back):
> You take a bar of extruded (forged?) aluminum. All tools needed are a
> drill press, saw, files. (cut)
> Piece of cake. Anybody interested in making replicas?

Actually, it is never a problem finding a machinist interested in making replica parts. However it is a huge problem finding people that are willing to pay the machinist ($80 per hr) to make 'em.

I've always found that it is easier and cheaper to find the original part on eBay than it is to have a machinist make a replica part.

Chuck Schmidt SoPas, SoCal
