I can probably help you out with the communications. let me know all the details off list and I can telephone the guy for you. My experience with the Japanese customs and postal service when importing bikes has been trouble free to this point. How is the US postal service in the being careful department?
Dennis Young Hotaka, Japan
> From: "Wspokes" <>
> To: <>
> Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 20:47:20 -0500
> Subject: [CR]Ebay question, bike damaged.
> Question for the group. I sold a Raleigh 3 speed sport bike on ebay about
> one month ago. it was heading for Kyoto, Japan and arrived back on my
> doorstep today...mutilated. It looks as though the post office tore the box
> open, put the bike in a blender, and ran over it a few times with the mail
> jeep. My response to this situation is as follows.
> I refunded the individual with a seperate explanation email regarding why
> and what, There is a language barrier and I am hoping he understands. I
> refunded full amount. I figure I can deal with the postal service. Is there
> anything else I need to follow up on? I just did a quick assessment of this
> bicycle and there really isn't any reason to try and repack and send. The
> damage is BaD. The frame is bent, the wheels bent! He won the bid at only
> $22.50 and I just don't see where this will do anyone any good to try and
> resend for scrap or parts!
> Does it sound as though I covered the bases? any thoughts would help.
> offlist replies of course. Can anyone on the list speak japanese to explain
> this better to the winner?
> Walter Skrzypek
> Falls Creek, Pa