Hello All ,
Happy New Year ! ,
Happy Ought Three ! ,
Earlier I mentioned a couple of places that seemed to have good selections of tire supplies listed on the World Wide Web .
But now Richard Cielec has asked about the availability of Rema Tip Top Glue !
Ahhhhh , the fond memories of the big can of Rema adhesive , sitting on the old workbench , at the bicycle shop . One of my favorite jobs at any bicycle shop was patching a tube while the customer waited . Seriously ! They arrived helpless . They left fully empowered . And , this is your chance to show your professionalism ! Did you feel the entire inside of the tire for anything sharp ? Did you install the tire so that the pressure recommendations are right next to the valve stem ? Did you use plenty of talcum powder ? Did you explain to the customer what you were doing , as you did it ? Did you sell the customer a patch kit and some tire levers , so that they too could experience the simple joy of re-animating a bicycle which was rendered lifeless by a simple puncture ?
But seriously ,
Rema still sells the cans of adhesive . They are not all that huge , or all that expensive . My recommendation is to buy a can , and buy some patch kits ( do they still sell the kits in two sizes ? ) . Use the can for any repairs done at home . Save the little tubes for use on the road . And yes , those little tubes should be thought of as "single use" items .
You can also buy bulk quantities of the patches . But , it's always the glue that's in short supply . I'd only recommend buying bulk patches if you repair many , many , flats . Want to look REALLY professional ? Buy one of those little rollers with the wooden handle , for making sure the patch is REALLY stuck down tight ! You can buy them in big hardware stores for making sure that wallpaper & floor tiles are well stuck . But , just about 6 months ago , I was shocked and pleased to see some for sale ( new ones - no dust on them ) in the "tire patch" area , at my local farm & ranch supply store ! Hey ! Some folks still remember the OLD tools , and how to use them ! Put the patch-roller right next to your sewing-awl , and your little cake of bee's wax . You are now a professional !
As far as whose products are best , we all knew that Velox was far and away the best , until Rema Tip Top came along . Is there anything better , for normal inner tubes ?
If your local bicycle shop is not willing to sell you what you want , you might try these two FINE ESTABLISHMENTS ( I hear that they are extremely "vintage bicycle friendly" ! ) :
Cheers ,
Raoul Delmare
Marysville Kansas