Re: [CR]eBay Outing (Rene Herse)

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: "Feeken, Dirk" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]eBay Outing (Rene Herse)
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 13:41:49 +0100

You are right. Even in Japan nicer Rene Herses are (or were recently) available for less: The price here is around $2500. We focus too much on the highest eBay bids or the sums some sellers are hoping for.


Dirk Feeken

--- original message ----
Subject: Re: [CR]eBay Outing (Rene Herse)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2002 15:27:16 -0500

I could be wrong here, but although this is obviously a cherished, highly original bike, it isn't of the style that Herse and Singer enthusiasts usually covet-especially at $6000. There are no brazed on fittings-not even a chainstay stop- which seems more in line with 60's Cinelli philosophy. Also , the only Herse made component seems to be the stem. I guess this is what Herse made when one wanted a road racer rather than a randonneur/randonneuse bike. Don't misunderstand- this is certainly a really cool, elegant machine. But can it be expected to pull the same $$$ as a full out, all braze on, racks and all Herse?

Best regards,
Wes Gadd