Maybe I'm spoiled by the quality of American painters, but the Jack Taylor that I purchased this year had been repainted by Argus, and though a really beautiful paint job, seems to be a little on the delicate side. The paint appears more tender than the Italian frames as well. It is quite easy to put a mark on it, so I've been kind of handling it with kid gloves, clamping it into a workstand with only the seat post and electricians tape to protect brake / down tube and bracket contact points. I've read about the baking of stove enamel between each coat at JRJ Cycles and I would have expected the same from Argus. Mine may have missed that process.
Dan Artley
Parkton, Maryland
>>> <> 12/06/02 01:15PM >>>
Paul: Look on the Classic Rendezvous website under rescources. Under the heading of the UK, there are about seven shops that do painting. Try Argos, they come well recommended. I'm going to use them to restore a few bikes including my 1939 Hetchins Trio. +44 (0) 117 9724730 & fax This is their phone/fax and site address. Check out the rate chart on their site, prices are very reasonable.
Peter Naiman
Boston, Mass
> From: "Paul Williams" <>
> Date: 2002/12/06 Fri AM 10:38:31 EST
> To: <>
> Subject: [CR]British frame painters!?
> To all the British listers (and anyone else who might know),
> I am thinking about sending my Raleigh back to the UK for a new paint-job, who would you recommend? I have looked at the Bob Jackson web-site and they seem to offer a good deal - anyone else?
> Surprisingly, even with the exchange rate it is cheaper to go the UK rather than the US route, and Canadian painters - who would do what I want - are hard to come by.
> Paul Williams,
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada