This is the song that never ends.........
In 1985 I had my 1975 Cuevas repainted by Cyclart. I had it originally painted by Proteus. Both transactions were satisfactory. The paint job by Cyclart was, and still is, beautiful. I don't remember the price (no chrome), but had it been exorbitant, I'm sure I would.
What's the score now?
Greg Pitman
Rancho Cucamonga, CA (where the transplantation has finally taken root)
>> Please adjust your statistics out there to include one more very
>> Cyclart customer.
>My only dealing with CyclArt was several years ago when I was
>restoring my PX-10. At that time I talked to Jim about refinishing, but
>decided the bike wasn't sufficiently "classic" enough to justify the
>expense. I did however order two NOS Mafac brake lever hoods.
>When they arrived I was pleasantly surprised to find that Jim had
>included a third hood, gratis.