Scott Smith from LA asks:
> Hey everyone,
> Seems I have had two right side pedals fall off after a recent
> rebuild. Two separate Colnagos but the same scenario........ I've
also lost a bit of thread from the crank arm. Can these be
> re-tapped?
> Thanks,
I am a little confused. The R sided pedal fall off is from 2 separate bikes, but you've lost thread from "the crank arm." Did you mean "the right crank arms of both bikes has each lost thread," or did you use the same crank arm on both bikes?
After making a stupid thread stripping mistake by trying to force a pedal in the wrong way, I asked the re-tapping question to My e-buddy Andrew Muzi, a bike mechanic from Madison Wisconsin, suggested:
"Cyclo and Eldi supply a 5/8" threaded sleeve and matching tap that puts a nice steel 9/16" thread in aluminum arms. See any competent LBS. I much prefer them to Helicoil or ReCoil inserts."
Have you looked for a hair line crack at the eye of the crank arm(s)? If you find one, the re-tapping is of no use.
Larry "learning the hard way" Fieman Marblehead, MA