To all CRs:
I have supplemental info regarding Garth Libre's yoga remarks "the most un-kinesthetic thing about low drops is the strain it puts on the cervical vertebrae".
In my case, after 15 or so years of riding with a too-low handlebar, I developed some bone spurs in my neck. My chiropractor's theory is that too many years of constantly struggling to raise my head caused my neck muscles to constantly tug on my neck bones and cause bone spur growth.
I watch Tour de France videos and I am amazed on how many professional riders can ride with a perfectly horizontal and straight back, but I can't do it.
I also prefer modern anatomic handlebars, not because of wrist comfort, but because they promote a better angle to my forearms which consequently flattens out my back better than classic bars.
Andrew Gillis (a windy weekend in Long Beach, CA)