On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 15:10:20 EST NortonMarg@aol.com writes:
> I got tired of breaking Campagnolo rear
> axles. Campy didn't make a cassette hub until the 8 speed, and I'm
> just
> getting into those partly because they're obsolete, but mostly
> because
> they're Campy and the axles won't break on me. There's also more
> gears for
> those around than there are for the Shimanos. I suppose the axle
> thing is only an issue if you're 175 lbs or more...
I packed all my racing stuff up when I went in the Army. Nine years later I pulled it all out, and broke axles on three 126mm spaced Campy hubs, and one Shimano 600. I raced under 170 lbs, and was 185 when I started riding the stuff again.
Shimano, Suntour Sealed and Phil Wood hubs solved the problem for me.
Steven M. Johnson, Chesapeake, VA
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