Re: [CR]Dancing Chain anyone?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

From: "Questor" <>
To: <>, "Larry Osborn" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Dancing Chain anyone?
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 11:26:20 -0500


Beekman books is in Cincinnati, I called the owner and the book is out of print but they are searching...


Address 1531 Tremont Street Cincinnati OH U.S.A. 45214 Phone 513-471-4300 Fax 513-471-4311 Sales Conditions Payment in full by check (drawn on US bank only), money order, cashiers check, or Visa or Mastercard must accompany the order. Please add shipping: within the USA $5.00 for the first book and $1.50 for each additional book for UPS ground service. Shipping charges are higher for oversized books. Charges for international shipping - rates on request.Please confirm availability before sending payment. Refund in full if condition is not as described. For other returns, refund for the price of book less a $5.00 restocking fee and shipping charges. Specializing in Used and Out of Print in most subject categories.

Regards, Steve Neago "Where Beekman Books is in my backyard in Cincinnati, OH"

----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Osborn
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [CR]Dancing Chain anyone?

> At 06:00 PM 2/19/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >Here I am, such a good guy. My significant other asked what I wanted for
> Christmas and I said "The Dancing Chain". She asked where she could order
> it from, and I replied that she should order it from a local shop that
> sponsors book discussions, symposiums and political involvement. I believe
> in supporting my L(bike)S and L(book)shop They put an order in back in
> November - December. Last month, I started wondering why they didn't call
> us to pick up my Christmas present. Just today they call back and relay the
> message that the book is now out of print.
> >
> >The publisher , Van Der Plas, is now saying on their web site, that the
> book is indeed out of print. Cycles De Oro seems not to have a copy ready
> to send out either. Is anyone willing to sell an extra copy? Any readable
> condition will be acceptable. As many of you know, my cycle history
> knowledge is very low considering how much posting, and pontificating I do
> on this list. Unless you want to continue to hear my rudimentary questions
> and baseless cycle philosophizing, I suggest you try to help me out.
> >
> >Garth Libre, essentially ill informed and cyclically illiterate in
> Surfside Fl.
> Ebay seller "beekmanbooks" has sold several copies over the last year, but
> I haven't paid any attention lately. You might search their current for
> sale list (hundreds of titles), or shoot them a message directly.
> Larry "Farenheit 451" Osborn
> In the semi-literate zone outside Morgantown WV