From: "thestows" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Black Cyclist (Major Taylor)
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 18:00:02 -0500
I sent this to a few list members and cc to the list. It never came back to
me. So anyway this may be a second listing.
There was an original copy on e-bay a week or two ago went for 357.00 for a
first edition<blah>
I bought the version from American Black Heritage through Amazon .com. They
collect orders and run production when they have enough orders. Took months
to get the book. In the mean time I got an abridged version. The abridged
version is hard back very good shape with a dust cover which is fair at best
has tears and is dirty. It has 214 pages verse the original at 430 pages.
Chapters are summarized
copyright date is 1972
I can part with it for $25.00. If your interested or want more information
off line.