Pete Geurds wrote:
> What are older 3ttt Record stems supposed to measure in the
> clamp area? Mine is 25.85 and 25.9 depends on which direction
> you measure. A 26.0 bar is going to be fun to get in.
I was told by an American who did some design work for them that, though they refer to the bars as nominal 26.0mm, their drawings call out the diameter as 25.8 ± 0.2 tolerance. Or maybe the tolerance was minus zero, plus 0.2, sorry this was a long time ago. I do remember though, that at the high end of the tolerance it could measure 26.0. Most I've measured are under 25.9.
This is fairly common; I don't remember ever measuring a nominal 26.0 bar that was really 26.0, they're all smaller.
Mark Bulgier
Seattle, Wa