Re: [CR]LEJUNE Ultra High End info needed

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 10:23:28 -0800 (PST)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]LEJUNE Ultra High End info needed
In-Reply-To: <>

> According to a particular report I read by Fred > DeLong regarding his visit to LeJeune in Paris, > said he observed only lower quality models being > being produced in-house. Dale, Was that a report from Fred DeLong or Fred Rednor - which is to say me! If it was mine, it actually said that no frames at all were being produced at the facility, although they were painting and assembling low-end and mid-level bikes. Below, is a reply I sent to Mike off-list. It's basically a summary of the report I posted to the list sometime last year. Best regards, Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia --------------------------------------- Mike, I'm repying off-list because this will be far from a definitive answer. I was at the factory some time after your frame was built (i.e. during 1983). I'm not certain that "factory" is necessarily the correct term as no frames whatsoever were being produced there. They were being built elsewhere by contract builders but were painted and assembled at the LeJeune facility in Maisons-Alfort. This was true for bikes of every quality level. They did have a large wheel building facility, though, with several automatic spoking machines and even a few human wheel builders. Anyway, it was my impression that frames were NEVER produced on-site; that they always had been produced for LeJeune by contract builders or custom ateliers for the team frames. After all, Mr. LeJeune was an ex-racer and not a real industrialist. I spoke with Marcel LeJeune about the frame building but my French wasn't so great at the time so I may have missed some of the subtleties of his answer but it was clear, as I mentioned above, that all frames were produced elsewhere. Best regards, Fred Rednor

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