I just want to add that I'm quite happy with the gum colored (coloured?) reproductions. The original latex might have been more shock absorbing when new, but they usually rotted away in about a year. The urethane copies last for several years at least for me. My big problem is just finding them. I think the original script and sun logo would be nicer than the shield as well. I just hope Campy doesn't come down hard on this guy for not having it licensed first. I want a source for these too. I have one extra set hoarded as it is and I could use at least one more pair. See you all at the Cirque!
Dan Artley, the guy with a small box full of hoodless campy levers
Parkton, Maryland - Nice day for a ride!
>>> "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca> 03/29/02 03:15PM >>>
Well I think the issue is also whether or not the seller/creator of these
hoods claims that they are originals or identifies them as reproductions. As
long as no claim is made that they're 'original' then I think it's a good
thing. I'd also recommend that some mark or identifier is moulded into them
(on the inside perhaps) that says they're repros to avoid any confusion.
Given that the part we're talking about is a 'consumable' I think NOS originals will always be in high demand, especially for the Concourse bike, but many of us have this equipment and ride it. For things that are consumable or deteriorate, repros that afford us the correct look and function are great. IMHO.
My 2 cents.
David Bilenkey
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From: classicrendezvous-admin@bikelist.org
> [mailto:classicrendezvous-admin@bikelist.org]On Behalf Of
> john_squires@ew.com
> Sent: March 29, 2002 3:00 PM
> To: CR Bike List
> Subject: [CR]Missing the Mark?
> How would the list feel if some enterprising machinist starting turning
> out perfect undated record crank arms or straight skewer hi-flange hubs?
> How many Campagnolo Silica pump heads could you sell for $15? Five
> thousand? But maybe our coveted NOS/NIP parts wouldn't be so dear.
> Wasn't there a spirited debate about trademarks and the Hetchins name of
> late. What, no passion for gum hoods? Guess we all need a pair.
> John Squires
> NY, NY
> Publisher--marks man.