Re: [CR]Re: missing the mark

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 21:44:54 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: missing the mark
References: <>

Paul Patzkowsky wrote:
> (cut)
> I have a modest collection of Sturmey Archer hubs and while I would like
> to use them I hesitate to do so. If I break one of my ASC hubs how do I
> replace it? But now I am starting to digress (old-timer's disease) so I'll
> go.

I guess we all have had these thoughts cross our minds at one time or another...

If I ride it it might break it. If I don't ride it it won't break. If I ride it it won't be a display piece. If I display it I can't ride it. If I do ride it I might wear it out. If I don't ride it it will never wear out. If I don't ride it I will never experience riding an ASC hub. Can I replace it if it breaks. Can I display a broken ASC hub. Can I tell if the display hub is broken inside or not. Do I display my collection. Do I let anyone see my collection. Do I...

Then the sun comes out, a nice breeze, puffy white clouds, birds tweeting and I go for a ride on it anyway. <enormous grin>

Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, Southern California