Boy guys do we forget that unless you are on this list or a few others there
is not that much interest in these bikes. Anyone out there getting rich
restoring bikes. The problem here is as each generation grows older they
long for their childhood (and the bike they wanted in their childhood) then
they get old and it goes on. Certain vintage bikes are interesting and some
are even valuable but I don't think any bike part is so valuable it will ever
be worth paying a machinist to make a part. Go price it out some time just
to have one part anodized. I only have a few bikes and do almost all my own
work. Even then my bikes are a break even deal or worse. Anyone here who
thinks they are collecting these bikes to sell for their retirement better go
put their head in cold water. I would love some 1930s track tires
reproduced. How many could we sell, how much would it cost to produce them?
Have fun finding parts, have fun rebuilding your bikes, for gods sake have
fun riding them. If money is the motivation quit now - I remember reading
about an owner of an almost one of a kind Ferrari race car - (only two still
existed) he raced it and would crash it when asked why he did such a
dangerous thing to that car he said -- it will always be one of two left and
I can have everything rebuilt. Sam DiBartolomeo Riverside CA