A brief report on this past weekend's Portland, OR Bike Festival and Swap Meet.
Bikes: Two "keepers": Blue 54cm Schroder of Denmark (not Schroeder of Germany) track bike, original paint, Nervex Pro lugs, bike messenger components $600. A 55cm Mondia good orange paint and decals, NR drivetrain, Mafac brakes, $450. I left early on the first day, don't know if either sold Components: Not much, NR rear derailleur $60, NIP NR hubs $50, NIP NR bbkt with Sugino "accordian" plastic sleeve $25, used 1st gen Campy Rally rear derailleur $30, pr of Mavic hubs $40, NOS CInelli Giro de Italia bars $5, and finally the "steal" of the show, a Mavic red label rim with a very newish Italian Clement Criterium cotton for a buck! Weather was too nice to hang around long, got two good rides in before rainy winter weather returns tonight. Kevin in Portland, OR Gosney