scott davis wrote:
> Does anyone know the first year of 6 speed f-wheels.
> I thought they came later than '69. Scott Davis
> inbetween St. Paul, MN blizzards....
From the Campagnolo Timeline: "1961 -- In July a revised Gran Sport rear derailleur is introduced with a 10mm spring cover (was 8mm) to improve shifting on six-speed freewheels."
I know that Regina had 6 speed freewheels in the late 1950s. I really don't know why they weren't in general use until mid-late 1970s though.
I think Hilary said something about Moultons being the first to come stock with 6 speed freewheels and I think that Raleigh Pros (early 1970s) were among the first conventional bikes to come spec't with a 6 speed freewheel.
Side Note: when I custom ordered a Confente in 1977, Mario assumed I wanted 5 speed (120mm) fork spacing in the rear!
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California Beautiful, breezy, sunny SoCal spring day in the high 60s... (Campagnolo Timeline updated, T-shirts and reprints)