Re: [CR]Thoughts on the Weinmann "Concave" rim-Left or Right

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: <>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 20:27:30 EST
Subject: Re: [CR]Thoughts on the Weinmann "Concave" rim-Left or Right

In a message dated 3/10/02 6:04:17 PM, writes:

<< Time to pick a fight -- :-)

Dale's request for a Weinman Concave rim for a friend got me to rummage through the pile (found one, attached to a first generation DuraAce 120 mm rear hub!) and look at the darned thing again. Somehow, I just never "got it" with these rims. For those who don't remember, they were pretty high class, with very tall sidewalls for brake surfaces, and a concave appearance between the walls.

Disadvantages: Unless you spoked them weird, with left spokes reaching the right spoke holes, and vice versa, the spokes emerged from the holes at a very awkward angle. Big sidewalls = more weight.

Advantages: could be real clumsy setting up brakes, and tall sidewall gave more radial stiffness.

What am I missing?

Harvey Sachs mcLean va >>

Harvey and all,

I think what you are referring to in disadvantages is left or right hand spoking. This is neither. When a seller orders rims from a manufacturer ( Bike maker or distributor) they must specify left or right hand spoking as holes are placed in a pattern for wheel building machines. Hew-mann assemblers of wheels can easily compensate.


Gilbert Anderson

The North Road Bicycle Company
your bicycle outfitter
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