Just for general information, did all 50th groups come with Ti pedal axles? Were all the BB's steel (NR)? And finally, was there anything that distingusihed the following parts in the 50th group from ordinary SR:headset, BB, toeclips. I recall that everything else was unique to the group. David Bilenkey <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca> wrote: We had some talk about these Ti pedals axles/spindles a while back, but one question I had is: How available are replacement spindles? And how pricey are they? I've a 50th anniversary set that's a user and a pedal (the left) that's got a cracked bearing race and I've been wondering about getting a replacement spindle.
David Bilenkey Bilenkey Industrial Design Ottawa, Ontario, Canada dbilenkey@sympatico.ca (613) 722-2552
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