Re: [CR]The Name Game: Libertas Verdictus

(Example: History)

Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:56:07 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
To: Olof Stroh <>,
Subject: Re: [CR]The Name Game: Libertas Verdictus
References: <> <> <01f301c1cc68$6ca37000$531169d4@Lea>

Hi Olof,

Google (search engine at now has a function that searches for images on the web. It's amazing what images you can find! It will also search the newsgroups too.

Okay, the name I really like was the suggestion of the Am. language version: LIBERTY (with the Statue of Liberty on the headbadge of course). Everyone remember that the statue was a gift from the people of France? Also the word liberty represents what the bike meant to this boy growing up in SoCal or any boy in any other part of the world for that matter...

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California

Olof Stroh wrote:
> Chuck!
> How on earth did you get that link?
> BTW, having pondered for some time over that name - Libertas - I must say it not only rolls good on the tongue, gives good meaning and has a good cyling flavour to it, but it sort of sticks to your mind, grows and becomes more natural than anything else I could think about...
> cheers
> Olof Stroh in Uppsala
> Riv LL owner - still sometimes thinking of a Carlton on ebay... - head of the museum of the history of medicine situated on the Karolinska´s campus - - unfortunately not in english yet, but it will come - with a much bigger and better site...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 8:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [CR]The Name Game: Libertas Verdictus
> > I gotta tell ya I like Romulus for some reason (maybe the founding of
> > Rome?). But ya have to use the cool graphic of the the wolf and babies
> > for the head badge!!!
> >
> > Click on
> >
> > Chuck Schmidt
> > South Pasadena, Southern California
> >
> >
> > Grant Petersen wrote:
> > >
> > > Okay, thanks to all. I've taken up enough of your time and thank you. Not a
> > > rude response in the bunch! Such civility! Amazing and refreshing. Dale, you
> > > must be doing a good job kicking out the mean ones.....
> > >
> > > I still like the name, but I'm looking for others. The mystery name...I
> > > don't want to toy with anybody, but at some point I gotta go with my gut and
> > > what I like, and....oh shoot--it's Romulus. Founder of Rome, boy raised by
> > > wolves, bro to Remus (not to be confused with Rhesus the Monk). It sounds
> > > strong to meÐlike, "Don't mess with that Romulus kid, I hear he was raised
> > > by wolves" , I like it...not enough marry it, but enough to name a bike
> > > after it. Considered other, may still consider them. Thanks for now. It's a
> > > good group and you've come through for me.
> > > (I also recognize that it's an important group, a great way to inform and
> > > disseminate information about neat-good-important stuff that gets no respect
> > > or disrespected and is misunderstood and pigeon-holed ("ahh, retro!") and
> > > patronized "out there.")
> > >
> > > Grant Petersen
> > > Walnut Creek