That is indeed an early 60's Masi special. I have a road bike that is still original paint and decals and nearly all correct original parts. I did some cosmetic touch-up on that Masi in the photo. I also have restored a road bike for the same owner in exactly that scheme. I am also building a "replica" of that track frame in my size for my collection. That color scheme is acceptable for a frame of that period along with black, forest green, dark blue, and a few other colors. There were completely chrome frams available from the factory; but I prefer the painted/chrome approach.
I'm sure there are a number of painters/restorers who can help you with that restoration and do an accurate job. The parts will be a bit more of a challenge; but I feel worth the effort in the end. Let me know if I can help you along in your project.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
> The subject line says it all. I am new to the list but wanted to call on
> the collective wisdom to get started in the right direction.
> I have an old MASI frame and campy/Cinelli parts from a bike I put together
> in the 70's. I would like to determine the approximate age and repaint /
> restore / prepare parts to the approximate original time period. Can anyone
> point me to some resources or web links where I might find some pertinent
> information about this frame?
> If the following two people are on this list, would you mind talking with me
> regarding your knowledge of the history of my frame?
> Rex Gephart
> Brian Baylis
> The most similar MASI frames I have seen are the ones at Classic rendezvous
> page below:
> Here are some specifics on the frame:
> Stamped A.56 on the bottom bracket
> Columbus tubing with Nervex lugs, Campagnolo drop-outs
> The fork crown looks just like the ones in the photographs
> The frame was chromed at one time hence the lugs are chromed
> The headbadge looks identical
> Frame seatpost angle appears to be 72 degrees and the frame appears to be
> longer in style - a cobblestone frame?
> The campy groupo is not original (from the 70's)
> Questions:
> Judging by the pictures of the 1960-61 MASI Special Pista, this frame could
> be from the same vintage and I am tempted to try to confirm this and try to
> find the MASI blue paint and decals.
> Can anyone confirm the vintage and help me determine if restoring the frame
> to match the beautiful track frame is appropriate?
> Where can I find the correct color to match the MASI Azzuro blue - eg is
> there a color code equivalent?
> Can anyone direct me to a person that would have the appropriate decals?
> Is the A.56 stamp on the bottom significant in terms of period placing?
> Did MASI produce chromed frames from the factory? Or just the forks?
> Would it be cost prohibitive to try to locate and procure the vintage Campi
> groupo? Can anyone venture a cost estimate if one were to be able to find
> these parts?
> Thanks in advance for any and all information and help.
> Jeff from Portland, OR