Ray Homiski wrote "I would like to send a clear message to ebay of what I think of their process but when you write to a faceless e-mail account the auto response is less than satisfying. If you sell or bid on ebay be careful and complain like hell if you even sense anything going wrong or next time it could be you."
Hi Ray, Here's an email address for customer support that should at least get an ill informed, friendly human who has been trained to say "I feel your pain and understand your frustration" and do nothing. At least you can escalate it to a supervisor. I 'm afraid the only way to get any real action is to document the heck out of this and email a copy to every member of the California Congress and probably the US congress as well. All the email addresses can be pulled off the web. There may be a couple of key representatives that it would be best to focus on. Dian Feinstein and Barbara Boxer come to mind as they're both from California and love to indulge in being outraged at this kind of behavior. If ebay gets some heat from a lawmaker, they might do something about policy.
Stevan Thomas
Alameda, CA
we all use ebay...