In a message dated 3/19/02 5:28:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< These early style levers appear on ebay once in a while and are usually
reasonably priced. I just bought a NOS set a few weeks back for $15.05
although $25-45 seems to be the norm. And yes, these are the best
(functionality) levers ever made! >>
I only used these levers once, for a brief while. The rap on them in one of
the shops I worked in was that they (many, not all) developed dead spots
where they wouldn't hold you in gear. This was annoying at best and dangerous
at worst. The only cure was to replace the piece as repairs were not an
option. Regarding Campy levers, the biggest problem I saw with them was most
people assembled them dry. They need to be stuffed with grease! That way with
the tension screwed down tight, they'd move easily and hold a gear.
Admittedly, they lacked the silky, light feel of the Simplex, but you could
work on them. My favorite greases at the time was "Benotto" and "Barient
Winch Lube". Both were similar to Campy but were browner and had more
aromatic additives. I knew one guy who greased a bunch of ball bearings with
Benotto and some with Campy and dropped them in glasses of water. Two weeks
later, the Campy greased bearings were rusting visibly. Six months later the
Benotto greased bearings still showed no sign of rust! The Barient (available
from Marine supply stores) was as good if not better and sadly disappeared
from the shelves, never to be seen again.
Stevan Thomas
Alameda, CA